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The Marblehead Female Humane Society only considers requests that will benefit Marblehead residents. If you’ve lived in Marblehead for at least two years, you may request financial assistance. Requests may be made through a number of local certified organizations who then refer the requests to the Marblehead Female Humane Society (MFHS) Board for review and disposition.

Types of assistance provided by MFHS:

In general, MFHS doesn’t assist with medical expenses as these can often be negotiated with the provider and insurer. We also don’t assist with structural home repairs. However, some of the areas we can help with, on a case-by-case basis, include:

  • Outstanding utility bills
  • Rent or mortgage payments
  • Moving expenses
  • Car repairs or payments
  • Eyeglasses and hearing aids
  • Assistive medical devices
  • Appliances, heating or plumbing repairs

Please contact one of the below organizations to request assistance:

Marblehead Counseling Center
66 Clifton Ave., Marblehead

Marblehead Housing Authority
26 Rowland St., Marblehead

Marblehead Council on Aging
10 Humphrey St., Marblehead

Marblehead Food Pantry
80 Atlantic Ave., Marblehead

Marblehead Public Schools – Guidance Department
For Camperships contact
781-639-3100 – extension 20113

Catholic Charities of Salem
280 Washington St., Salem

and Houses Of Worship

All requests are confidential. When a decision is made, MFHS pays the bills and does not give cash directly to the person or family.

Assistance is considered a one-time gift and the board generally does not review repeat requests for financial assistance.